- Stabulation libre avec une alimentation basée de forage et ses copains….
- Réduire le stress...
- consultation vétérinaire, gastroscopie et médicament omnéprazole
Les Ulcères Gastriques chez le Cheval - Dr Sophie Paul-Jean
"Des mesures de prévention environnementales et médicales permettent d’éviter l’apparition d’ulcères gastriques. Ces derniers sont en effet, souvent la conséquence du mode de vie imposé aux chevaux par l’homme."
📺 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tclm0 (5m30)
Ulcères gastriques du cheval de sport que faire - Dr Valène Prunier
Attention, votre cheval ou poney est peut-être atteint d'ulcères gastriques ?
⭐ “An Update on Equine Gastric Disease" presented by David Rendle BVSc MVM Cert EM(Int Med) Int Dip ECEIM FRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine 17 February 2020, 1 hour presentation
These days we refer to Equine Squamous Gastric Disease ESGD and Equine Glandular Gastric Disease EGGD instead of Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome or EGUS.
Injectable Omeprazole more effective than oral.
📺 https://1drv.ms/v/s!AkmS2wS26bIib5sNIJvuqA9ouXU?e=FUW2Gs
These days we refer to Equine Squamous Gastric Disease ESGD and Equine Glandular Gastric Disease EGGD instead of Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome or EGUS.
Injectable Omeprazole more effective than oral.
📺 https://1drv.ms/v/s!AkmS2wS26bIib5sNIJvuqA9ouXU?e=FUW2Gs
Diagnosing and Treating Gastric Ulcers in Horses - The Horse.com
The majority of horses with gastric ulcers do not show outward clinical signs.
Study: Transportation Related to Equine Gastric Ulcers - The Horse.com
EGUS, Equine ulcers, following a case study. - Equine bodytalks podcasts
🎧 https://podtail.com/da/podcast/equine-bodytalks/007-egus-equine-ulcers-following-a-case-study/
Dr Travis Kelter; EGUS and Annie's case study - Equine bodytalks podcasts
🎧 https://podtail.com/da/podcast/equine-bodytalks/010-dr-travis-kelter-egus-and-annie-s-case-study/
Equine Ulcer Diagnosis by Mark DePaolo, DVM
Equine Ulcer Treatment - Before and After by Mark DePaolo, DVM
Equine GI System: Stomach Ulcers in Horses